IP & Tech Law Group
The Robson Hall Intellectual Property & Technology Law Group (IP&TLG) seeks to bring together students interested in the various aspects of intellectual property and technology law, to enhance the understanding of what it means to be an IP or Tech lawyer in Manitoba, and to increase interaction between students and practitioners in the legal community.
What is it?
Why Join?
Becoming a part of this group will allow students to learn more about various topics in intellectual property law (patents, trademarks, copyright, industrial designs, trade secrets, etc.), and technology/internet law. Given the rapid pace of technological advancement and innovation, now more than ever, gaining a practical understanding of intellectual property and technology law issues is especially important. Furthermore, the IP&TLG provides opportunities to network with practicing lawyers in the field and by hosting events with speakers from the IP law community.
Kassandra Taverner, President - taverne4@myumanitoba.ca
Jordan Wagner, Vice President - wagnerj4@myumanitoba.ca
Maria Pepelassis, Communications & Marketing Chair - pepelamk@myumanitoba.ca