The Networking Guru

aka Vice President External

Moira Kennedy

Hi Robson! My name is Moira Kennedy, I am currently in my third year at Robson Hall, and I am your Vice-President External for the 2024-2025 academic year! 

Prior to entering law school, I attended Canadian Mennonite University where I played basketball. After that, I attended the University of Manitoba, majoring in Indigenous Studies and minoring in Political Studies. One of my most rewarding experiences at Robson has been volunteering at the Rainbow Resource Centre Trans ID Clinic with Pro Bono Students Canada. This year, in addition to being your VPX, I also sit on the Strategic Advisory Committee and the Grad Committee. 

In my spare time I volunteer as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the North Point Douglas Women's Centre. I still play basketball in my spare time and also enjoy playing golf and tennis in the summer. I love video games, Hello Kitty, NFL football, NCAA basketball, tarot cards, matcha, and travelling. 

As Vice-President External I am responsible for coordinating networking events, outreach, and practical experience in partnership with the Professional Development Committee, Clinical Experience Committee, and Community Outreach Committee. I also work with the Career Services and Professional Development offices, the Manitoba Bar Society, the Law Society of Manitoba, and all potential employers. Having attended virtually every single networking event last year, I know how exciting and intimidating networking can be! I am here to help and answer any questions you may have.