The Socialite
aka Vice-President Internal
Meredith Harley
Hi everyone, my name is Meredith Harley, I am currently in my third year at Robson Hall, and I’m honoured to serve as your Vice-President Internal for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prior to entering law school, I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Manitoba, majoring in sociology and minoring in history. Since entering the Robson community, I have been involved with the Feminist Legal Forum, Communications Committee, the Social Committee, and the RH Curling League.
In my free time, I love to go out for food and drinks with friends, kickbox, and hang out with my dog, Joey, and cat, Frank.
In my role as VPI, I’m committed to ensuring effective collaboration among committees such as the Social, Sports, Spirit, Academic, Graduation, and Accessibility Committees, as well as the MLSA Student Groups. Additionally, I’m tasked with coordinating orientation activities and working in collaboration with the faculty and MILSA.
I love to chat, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns or suggestions that you may have!