Fall 2024 Election
Introducing your 1L Rep Candidates!

Scroll through the bios for your 1L representative candidates for sections A01, A02 and A03.

A01 Candidates

  • Sharif McCurdy

  • Tanner Kornelsen

  • Hi, my name is Tanner (he/him) and I’m running for A01 Representative. I am ecstatic to be pursuing a career in law hope to further my colleagues’ goals as a member of the MLSA. The opportunity to represent A01 is a privilege which I believe would be well-served by my skillset.

    I studied Criminal Justice at U of W, graduating in 2019. I began working at Stony Mountain Institution in 2018 as a student, leading to my appointment as an Institutional Parole Officer in February 2020. This job was dynamic and emphasized adaptation and collaboration. I excelled at working with some of Canada’s most disenfranchised individuals in Maximum Security and the Structured Intervention Unit, allowing me to immerse myself in several workplace committees.

    These efforts gained notice from Union Representatives, who approached me about joining as a shop steward. Through this position I gained crucial experience related to conflict resolution, by-law interpretation and labour management.

    In running for A01 Representative, I plan on upholding the principles that have guided me successfully thus far. My endeavours to ameliorate our first year, such as information updates, study session organization and active advocacy, will be underscored by my communicativeness and willingness to problem-solve.

  • Some things I offer as a potential candidate for A01 representative are my ability to advocate for our interests to the administration, strong communication skills, and approachability. If elected, I will use these qualities to the best of my ability to represent our class effectively.

A02 Candidates

  • Emily Kalo

  • Emily Trottier

  • Nickolas Yanech

  • My name is Emily Kalo, and I’m excited to announce that I am running for your 1L A02 Representative! I’m confident in my ability to be an effective advocate and a knowledgeable resource for our section.

    A little about me: I previously served as Vice President Advocacy for UMSU, where I had the privilege of representing 28,000 undergraduate students, including the MLSA. Last year, I spearheaded the creation of the Connection Desk in UC, a resource designed specifically to support first-year students. So, I bring a solid understanding of the services available to help us all thrive during this crucial first year.

    I know how important 1L is, If elected I promise to focus on our collective experience—creating social and academic opportunities like drop-in study sessions, exam crams, opportunities to connect with faculty and yes, even some parties.

    I also want to remind you all that this election is about what YOU want to see out of your first year in law. So, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know if you have ideas, things you'd love to see, concerns you want raised, or anything else!

    There are so many incredible candidates running, so I encourage everyone to ask questions, get informed, and don’t forget to VOTE on September 19th and 20th!

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A03 Candidates

  • Eric Wagner

  • Kathryn Lyon

  • Ladina Thiessen

  • Hello Robson Hall!

    I’m Eric Wagner, and I’m excited to be running for 1L Representative for A03!

    I’ve had the privilege of meeting many of you and seeing how engaged our community is! I’m running because I’m passionate about advocacy and ensuring everyone’s voices are heard.

    My background includes being an NDP MLA’s Assistant, where I advocated and helped individual’s issues. Before law school, I graduated from the Asper School of Business – majoring in Human Resources – and gained hands-on experience with a case competition team that learned the challenges not-for-profits face. I’ll bring those skills as your 1L Rep!

    I’ll be accessible, approachable, and responsive to you. My three commitments are:

    • Keeping You Up-to-Date: on what’s going on with MLSA, the Faculty, and anything else you need to know!

    • New Clubs: I’ll work on exploring the possibility of new clubs, such as Pickleball!

    • Group Study Sessions: as exams get closer, we’ll review tough topics, ask questions, and support each other.

    No matter who you vote for, our section will be in great hands – but I’d be honoured to have your vote on September 19-20!

    Feel free to reach out by contacting me at wagnere@myumanitoba.ca, or 204-299-4647.


  • Hi everyone! My name is Kathryn Lyon, and I am running to be your 1L A03 Rep! I was born and raised in Winnipeg and prior to law school completed my BA in Political Science and History at McGill University. I am running to be your rep for 3 reasons. To be an advocate and helping hand for our section, by liasing between students and faculty, and sharing resources like class notes, and organizing informal study sessions. The second reason I am running is to keep us organized and on time for deadlines, I would implement this with a weekly email schedule with upcoming due dates and events and ensure we’re all on the same page. Lastly, I want to foster a welcoming, inclusive, and fun space in A03 by organizing a few social events throughout the year! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Ladina Thiessen and I would love to have your vote for A03 rep! I grew up in a tiny town in southern Manitoba near the US border. After graduating high school, I moved to Winnipeg to attend the Faculty of Arts here at the University of Manitoba, where I majored in history. Over the last several years, I’ve worked in public works, retail management, and on the front line of a credit union. I love reading, playing volleyball, and bees are my favourite animal (come ask me why!).

    My goal is to make your daily life easier as we navigate 1L together, and I approach this in a simple and practical way.

    First, having a sense of community is important to me – whether you are extroverted or introverted. I hope to host study sessions as needed throughout the year that are specifically dedicated and tailored to any concepts or readings that many of us feel are unclear or confusing. This will be an opportunity to share notes and help each other understand the material in a collaborative way. I can then bring any outstanding questions or concerns to our professors on behalf of the class.

    Second, I am committed to finding you answers to your questions – big or small. I don’t have all of them myself, but I will track down email addresses and knock on doors until I find answers for you. My philosophy is to avoid the words “I don’t know” and replace them with “I will find out for you.”

    Lastly, I am an experienced University of Manitoba student, and I am confident I can connect you to resources you need for success. Out of thousands of staff and students at UofM, I can help find the person that is best able to help you (and figure out where their office is). From tech support to documentation requests to good snack places, I’ve got you covered.

    At the very least, I hope to be a friendly face and listening ear for everyone – after all, we are in this together. I am grateful to be at Robson Hall amongst all of you, and I thank you for your consideration!